Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Rebuild Our Unions from the Ground Up!


4-3-15 – It is well past time that some semblance of a fightback is organised. Workers’ rights in 2015 stand at the lowest point since Federation. Even before the world crisis of the capitalist economies began in 2008, workers had been hit with three decades of assaults on rights and conditions won over a century of struggle. Since the crisis, these assaults have picked up pace. The Victorian Electrical Trades Union (ETU), in the process of building today’s rally, suggested a list of items to march against. These included: Removing penalty rates, attacking RDOs, increasing the retirement age to 70, the Federal Building Code, the reintroduction of the Australian Building and Construction Commission, dismantling Medicare, deregulating TAFE and Universities and slashing support for apprenticeships and training for unemployed youth.

It is of course more than welcome that today’s national rallies have been called by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU). However, we should be wary of giving the top leadership of the ACTU, and their associated state bodies, a carte blanche to steer this campaign in defence of our rights as workers, and as the public. For the top leaders of the ACTU have allowed the situation to reach the dire stage we find ourselves in today. For example, around 40% of the Australian workforce is in temporary, casual or contract work. This is a staggering figure, but for the employers it means ongoing downward pressure on wages, conditions and rights of those who are in permanent work. And the working conditions for those who are in relatively stable work are frequently stressful and physically and mentally exhausting. The conditions in many workplaces, especially in the construction industry, are simply unhealthy. Unemployment is another huge problem, now the highest it has been in 12 years. Unemployment needs to be fought; we can’t just sit back and wait for better times.

At left: Graph supplied by the Australian Bureau of Statistics relating to Unemployment trends. At the start of the year, official unemployment stood at 6.3%. These are the “official” statistics, which are widely known to well under represent actual unemployment.

Workers and their allies know how bad the situation is, but how do we fight it? First, we have to recognise that some of the conditions we face are a result of the worst capitalist economic crisis in over 100 years. This crisis, which began in 2008, is a systemic, rather than a standard cyclical boom and bust. But this is only half of the story. The other major reason why Australia’s workers find themselves in ever-worsening circumstances is the betrayal by our own Union leaderships. There are exceptions, but for the most part, Union leaders have either been silent about, or have been complicit with, major assaults on workers’ rights and conditions over a 30 year period. Many Unions simply don’t have members meetings, the conservative officials refuse to organise them. Many officials don’t even call meetings at the time when workers are under attack in the workplace. For example, in Queensland, up to 15 000 state public servants were sacked in 2012, and no Union leadership called even one minute of industrial action!

Many of these officials are in very well paid and stable jobs, which often the members they represent don’t enjoy. This whole officialdom, the trade union bureaucracy, is a product of economic development itself, so they can’t be wished away. To rebuild our Unions, conservative officials need to be pushed aside – but workers can only do this collectively. Going one out before the Union bureaucracy plays into their hands. But if a group of workers, or a whole workplace, was to place the pressure on their Union officials, it’s a different situation. In many cases, it will be necessary for workers to take action without the sanction of the conservative bureaucracy. 

What is desperately needed in this struggle is workers’ unity. This needs to be extended to all workers in Australia, whether or not they are on a 457 visa, and all workers overseas. It is worth noting that workers in the socialist states in the Asia-Pacific region – China, Vietnam, the DPRK – often have stable working conditions and stable jobs – given that the victory of socialism in their country has taken their economies out of the capitalist casino, which remains in dire crisis. Ultimately, workers’ rights can only be permanently guaranteed through the establishing of a workers’ republic. In the meantime, through workers’ unity, the Union movement is capable of pushing aside treacherous leaders and officials, rebuilding itself, and once again winning real gains for workers. Some slogans the workers’ movement could put forward are: Permanent jobs for all workers! Full Union rights! Fund Universities, TAFEs, Healthcare and public transport! For workers’ rule!

Marxist-Leninist Front
0421 408 692

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