The hypocrisy could not be more stark. The US government has
for at least four years, armed, trained and funded barbaric fundamentalists in
an attempt to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic, in the form of ISIS (Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria) and the ultra-reactionary FSA (“Free Syrian Army” –
80% of which is not Syrian). Yet it has the gall to accuse Russia of arming and
backing Eastern Ukrainians, who are defending themselves against the murderous
onslaught of an ultra-nationalist, fascist infested, neo-Nazi government
installed via an illegal coup backed by the US government and NATO powers on
February 22 last year. Here in Australia, Liberal PM Tony Abbott and ALP
“Opposition” leader Bill Shorten, have been united in threatening war against
Russia, while politically backing the fascist-infested Ukrainian government. As Australia does not have the size to combat
the Russian armed forces, these moves seem designed to press the US to go to
war against Russia, whereby Australia would quickly join in. This repeats the
pattern of the Vietnam War, where the Australian government then was more
belligerent than the US with regard to starting hostilities. Abbott and Shorten
have claimed, without a shred of evidence, that the anti-fascist resistance in
the East of Ukraine shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, using Russian
supplied weapons. In fact, all evidence available so far, points to a
conclusion that Ukrainian government fighter jets shot down MH17 from behind,
trailing behind them in the open sky.
Again and again, the Western corporate media baldly state
that Russia “annexed” Crimea. The
implication is clear – “annexation” is most prominently used to describe such
acts as the Nazi Adolf Hitler’s real annexation of the Sudetenland prior to the
official start of World War II, which is, according to them, comparable to
Russia and Crimea today. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is ironic
that the West uses allusions to the Nazis when real Nazis are part of the
illegal fascist coup government occupying Kiev, which they support. In fact, a
referendum was held in Crimea on March 16, soon after the fascist Maidan coup
in Kiev. The result was arguably more overwhelming than any referendum in history. Crimeans were
given two choices: 1. Reunification with Russia with rights as federated republic,
or 2. The restoration of the 1992 constitution which states that Crimea is a
part of Ukraine. The results were that 96.77% of Crimeans voted for
reunification with Russia, with an 83.1% turnout. This almost universal decision reflects the
fact that Crimeans are almost entirely ethnically Russian and/or Russian
speaking. But this is not the type of democracy that is accepted by US
imperialism, and certainly not Australia as a junior partner.
On the contrary, the Abbott government, with the support of
the ALP and the Greens, have moved to establish an embassy in Kiev, and has
been sending “non-lethal” aid to the Ukrainian coup government. Abbott
mentioned that he was pleased that Australia’s flag would be flying alongside
that of Ukraine’s, an indicator that a government where Nazis occupy
ministerial posts is just the type that the Australian ruling class wishes to
be associated with. Abbott further announced that uranium sales to Russia had
been suspended.
Left: Alexander Zakharchenko takes an oath as Prime
Minister of the Donetsk Peoples Republic.
Alexander Zakharchenko takes an oath as Prime Minister of
the Donetsk Peoples Republic.
While there are some within the leadership of the resistance
in the East of Ukraine who have anti-Semitic, pro-Russian nationalist or even
pro-Tsarist views, this is not the case for the whole of the anti-fascist
resistance, nor the whole of the population. In fact, they would not be able to
garner the support they have if they were. It is a contradiction, but the fact
is that the anti-fascist resistance is stalling the advance of NATO, and thus
hampering the plans of US imperialism, with its overall goal of the overthrow
of Russia. It is for this reason that workers here, and internationally, need
to stand with the anti-fascist resistance in Donetsk, Lugansk and elsewhere it
may exist in Ukraine – and stand against the relentless advance of US imperialism,
spearheaded by NATO. Potential world war is lurking in the shadows of this
latest conflict, which is ultimately driven by the perilous state of the world capitalist
5400 people have perished so far in the war led by the
fascist US backed Kiev “government” against the Donbass region. Many of these
have simply been bombed to death in their houses or in the streets of their
home towns. This horrific toll has
horrified Ukrainians in the West as well as in the East. The website in fact details the
extent to which Ukrainians are opposed to the war. The ultra-nationalist Kiev
regime has attempted to conscript large numbers of Ukrainian men into the army
to wage war on the East. Yet the Kiev junta has little basis of social support,
apart from the fascist Nazi thugs who form the terror militias. As a
consequence, there has been ongoing acts of draft resistance, demonstrations,
and some riots, including some led by women. Some Ukrainians are literally
packing up and moving to Russia to avoid the draft. This is the supreme irony,
given that the coup junta as well as the United States are claiming, without a
shred of evidence, that Russian troops and tanks are moving into Ukraine!
This lack of social or working class support for the NATO
backed Kiev junta, together with the
heroic resistance of the Donbass region, has meant that the US led war has
largely been defeated. The Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics have been
fighting with a volunteer force, and it has proven to be superior in battle to
a largely conscript Kiev army which does not really want to be there, let alone
in a war. In response, Washington politicians have been openly discussing
arming the Nazi Kiev regime with $3 billion dollars worth of heavy weaponry. It is needless to say that if this occurs,
Russia will not simply be able to stand idly by. At its worst, it could lead to
nuclear war. There are many who claim that nuclear war between the world’s most
powerful states is impossible due to the sheer self-destruction on all sides
that would result. Yet this view does not take into account the fact that the
world’s capitalist ruling classes have no plan, and are not able to re-start a
stalling capitalism, which is wretched and in its most dire predicament in its
history. They are more than capable of risking everything to preserve their
power, or bring about almost total destruction – which would perversely provide
a stimulus for profit based production.
Recently German leader Angela Merkel and French President
Francois Hollande met with Russian President Putin in Moscow, in an attempt to
head off full scale war. On February 6 the UK Guardian reported that the
Europeans are almost universally opposed to the arming of the Ukrainian
government, fearing it would lead to full scale war. Moreover, they feel that
if there was to be a war with Russia right now, Russia would win. This does not
mean that German and French imperialism are for peace, whereas the US is for
war. It merely means that German and French imperialism share the same aims,
but want to employ different methods to bring Russia to heel. The meeting was
evidence of a minor split between European and US imperial interests.
Here in Australia, to our knowledge, there has been no active
opposition to the war on Russia via Ukraine, by leftist parties or others.
Unfortunately, most left parties here hold the extremely erroneous view that
Russia is an imperialist state, and therefore cannot be defended. Some other
left parties do defend Russia from the main imperialists – the US and Europe –
but do so only on paper, while doing nothing in action. This must be rectified.
The Marxist-Leninist Front is prepared to work alongside all those who want to
avoid an aggressive war by the NATO powers against Russia via Ukraine – a war
which will almost certainly be a world war.
The prevention of a shooting war would be an immense relief
to the working people of the Ukraine, Russia, Europe and the world. However,
the main driving factor of this potential war remains – the dire economic
crisis of capitalism. Only the socialist states – China, Vietnam, the DPRK,
Cuba and Laos – whose economies have been removed from the capitalist orbit –
are more or less safe from this crisis. But that cannot last if the world is
once again plunged into World War. The only way to take world war permanently
off the table is the overthrow of capitalism via the workers seizing state
power and initiating the rule of labour over capital. This task will be
especially necessary in the industrialised countries of Europe, the United
States, Canada, Japan and Australia. This task requires the urgent forging of
Marxist vanguard parties, with all the national peculiarities these formations
may entail.
In the meantime, we suggest that some of the demands that the
workers must put forward should be: NO SUPPORT FOR FASCISM IN UKRAINE! NO
0421 408 692
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