1. The MLF is a revolutionary
organisation which stands for the overthrow of capitalism on a world scale, and
the establishment of socialism, the first step towards a classless society.
2. The MLF is an organisation which
calls for, and seeks to prepare for, the construction of a Marxist vanguard
party in the context of the nation state of Australia. We oppose all other
types of parties and organisations, especially those dominated by conservatism,
reformism, liberalism, opportunism, class collaborationism, electoralism and
parliamentarism. Only a Marxist vanguard party will be capable of confronting
and overcoming the enormous task of leading the proletariat, at the head of all
of the oppressed, towards and beyond the seizure of state power.
3. The MLF is Marxist-Leninist in
ideology. We seek to learn from the experience of Stalinism, Trotskyism and
Maoism, while not embracing any as complete systems. We seek to learn from all
historical attempts at building a Marxist vanguard party, but a pre-eminent
position is accorded to the Bolshevik Party led by V.I. Lenin.
4. The MLF recognises the proletariat,
or the working class, as the only revolutionary class under capitalism. All
political activity is geared towards safeguarding and advancing, its core
interests. While we attempt to win over some elements of other classes to the
cause of socialism, at no stage can the socialist movement be politically
subordinated to the interests of other intermediate classes such as the middle
class and the petty bourgeoisie.
5. The MLF seeks to assist in the
enactment of the ultimate protection of workers – the construction of a workers
republic, or a socialist state. The MLF therefore recognises and
unconditionally defends the existing socialist states – the People’s Republic
of China, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of Cuba, the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
Historically, the MLF recognises and defends previous socialist states,
including the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the socialist states of
the former Eastern Bloc. The building of solidarity with existing socialist
states is primarily carried out with the aim of inspiring workers to establish
an Australian workers republic.
6. The MLF opposes imperialism in all
its forms, whether this is political, diplomatic, economic, military or
otherwise. The Australian state is an imperialist state in its own right, as
well as remaining a part of US led imperialism. Imperialism and its wars must
be opposed and struggled against, principally by utilising the power of the
working class.
7. The MLF supports Trade Unions as the
basic organisation of defence of the working class. We stand for militant and
political class struggle Unions. This struggle involves challenging the
pro-capitalist leadership of Trade Unions, while always standing with the rank
and file members.
8. The MLF recognises that as long as
private property exists, women’s liberation will not be achieved. Women’s
liberation is an essential part of the struggle for socialism, as is the
struggle against all discrimination against Lesbian, Gay Men, Bisexual,
Transgender and Intersex people.
9. The MLF recognises that the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the original inhabitants and
custodians of Australia. The genocide and dispossession of the first people
remains a monumental crime. The MLF supports all struggles of the Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander people for the recognition of sovereignty and
elementary social justice.
Capitalism has all but destroyed the
environmental conditions necessary for human habitation on planet Earth. The
MLF accepts that efforts to stem environmental desecration remain important,
while recognising the political limitations of much of the environmental
movement. To seriously address ecological destruction, socialism will first
have to emerge victorious.
Refugees and asylum seekers are especially
persecuted by the Australian government, as a part of their strategy to divide
workers against each other. The MLF stands for full citizenship rights for all
those who have made it to Australian soil.
MLF seeks to build class struggle social movements. The interests of the
working class must be foremost at all times. The politics of the movement must
not be subordinated to, or accommodate, non-working class forces.
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